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The Director General of Customs, Fongod Edwin NUVAGA, chaired the flag hoisting ceremony and the Management Committee meeting this Monday, September 16, 2024, respectively at the esplanade and in the conference room of the Directorate General of Customs.  

 The Director General of Customs sent his congratulations to the organization committee of the combined exit ceremony for student trainees in category C of Customs and learners of the professional training course for actors in the foreign trade logistics chain.  He invited the heads of central and decentralized services to make their various contributions for optimal operationalization of the Customs Instruction Centre.

 The Director General of Customs will grants an audience tomorrow September 17, 2024 to the new representative of the IMF in Cameroon.  The discussions will focus on foreign trade statistics, the revision of the 2013 law on Private Investment Incentives, Quantitative performance and other strategies.

 The Director General of Customs encouraged the operational team to step up with more eloquent results, as part of Operation ALAMBA 4, which is taking place in the WCO-AOC Region from August 19 to October 19, 2024. Goods targeted are: fireworks, bladed weapons, ammunition, explosives chemical precursors, fireworks, fuel, drugs and medicines.

 The Director General took the opportunity to congratulate the elements of the Mobile Customs Brigade Bonaberi for the seizure of a large volume of contraband yesterday, September 15, 2024 at the Bekoko checkpoint in Littoral Region.  He also congratulate the elements of the West Customs Sector for recent and numerous seizures of pharmaceutical products and other products of questionable quality.

 The fight against money laundering and terrorist financing also received attention.  The Director General of Customs  has ordered the production of statistics  on seizures made  by the service,  potentially linked  to money  laundering and  the  financing  of  terrorism.  It also recommends implementing the terms of the ANIF-DGD memorandum of understanding and carrying out due diligence with view of training Customs personnel’s on the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism. 

The participants went through recommendations from previous meetings, with the aim of making it a point of implementation. It appears that certain actions have been implemented and others still to be implemented.

 The meeting of the management committee ended with the presentation on the monitoring elements of Customs taxation for the past week. Points of consistency and dysfunctions in the application of the elements of taxation were highlighted along with suggestions for the current week. In particular, it was suggested to ensure the regularization of validated declarations subject to presentation of RVC.

 The presentation by the IT Division, on the implementation of the reform on liquidation and collection of the stevedoring tax and the related VAT in CAMCIS. A final stakeholder awareness meeting is planned this afternoon in Douala with approved Customs brokers, stevedores and consignees.

The Director General of Customs Wishes a good week to colleagues in central and decentralized services.

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