Le Simulateur de paiements (SIMPA) est un outil d’aide à la décision mis à la disposition des opérateurs économiques par la direction dans le cadre de ses missions de facilitation et de simplification des procédures du commerce extérieur.
The Customs Administration is structured into central and devolved services, the architecture of which emanates from the combined provisions of Articles 84 (2), 326 (1), 355 and 364 of Decree N°2013/066 of 28 February 2013 on the organization of Ministry of Finance, and Order n°00598/MINFI of November 2, 2016 on the creation and organization, collection and control units of the Customs Administration central and devolved services of the Directorate General of Customs in the Ministry of Finance.
Central services
Protocol Service;
Internal Audit Department;
Customs Litigation Central Fund;
Information and Communication Unit;
Special Customs Intervention Group Command;
Customs Training Centre;
Studies, Trade Facilitation and Risk Analysis Division;
External Trade Financial Operations and Foreign Exchange Control Division;
Legislation and Litigation Division;
International Cooperation and Tax Base Division;
Investigations and Enforcement Division;
Information Technology Division
Revenue Collection and Statistics Division;
Resources and Logistics Division.
Devolved services
Twelve (12) customs sectors;
Seventy-nine (79) customs houses;
Regional IT centres;
Twelve (12) Active customs group commands;
Thirty-eight (38) customs subdivisions;
One hundred and fourteen (114) customs brigades;
Operational services of the customs specail intervention unit