Practical Guide for Cameroonian Companies
Mr. Jean-Michel MATTEÏ, IT and Customs Expert, assigned to the Directorate General of Customs by the IMF and the World Bank, is in Cameroon from October 24 to November 04, 2022. It is within the framework of a mission of assistance of Cameroon Customs in data management and other IT issues.
After GIC AFATEX, two others cameroonian companies, CAMEROON TEA ESTATE and NDAWARA TEA ESTATE shipped their products under the AfCFTA Guided Trade regime on October 19, 2022. The said products are covered by an AfCFTA certificate of origin issued by Mr. Achille OLEME, Head of the Main Customs Office at Douala International Airport. A new […]
It was necessary to be vigilant to unearth the subterfuge of the smugglers. Indeed and following the exploitation of reliable information, the elements of the Customs Commercial Brigade of Idenau, South-West Region, seized various prohibited and undeclared goods as follows : 230,000 unstamped cigarettes; 06 bags of non-biodegradable plastic packaging; 696 bottles of unstamped liquors. […]